Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The day is coming to an end and I decided that I needed to write a little.  I had my lapband surgery on June 30.  My incisions are healing great but there is still a little soreness.  It is all worth it.....very much so!  I have already dropped 15 pounds and can tell a difference in my self esteem.  Yes, there is still a long way to go but I have gotten started.  That is such a comfort.  It takes a lot of committment.  I worried if I would be able to follow through.  I'm human and I have failed at so many other diet plans.  However, this is truly not a diet plan....it REALLY IS A LIFE STYLE CHANGE.  For many years my self esteem has rubbed the ground.  However, I have to admit that my weight gain came from my pregnancy....72 pounds.  I don't regret it one bit because I have a wonderful little boy....and I would do it all over again.  However after attempting every diet plan out there and not seeing much success, I knew I had to do something ""for me"".  I also did it so I can be healthy and have more energy to keep up with my 9 year old.  He needs his Mom.....and I need to take care of me so I can be here for him!  As a Mom, we seem to neglect ourselves in many ways so that we can give to our families.  Now it is time for me.  Life style change........ummmm, it's going to take alot of work on my behalf.  Committment.....thats a word that packs a big punch.......ok, committment to this lifestyle change, I accept your challenge.  I've put on my boxing gloves and ready to take the punches.  I know it won't be easy, but I am so determined that THIS is going to work for me.  If I am feeling this much better about myself this early in the game, I can only imagine what is waiting for me on down the road....so, here I go! Wish me luck.  This blog is not so much of a "thought for the day"...but in a way it can be.  I challenge you to set a goal and then put on your boxing gloves to fight that fight with committment (because it's not easy)...MAKE it happen......feel better about yourself even if it is little steps you have to take to get there!  I'm on my way....care to join me? ~Until Later 

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