Monday, August 23, 2010

I find it amazing that a friend, one that you may not have seen or been around in years, can drop in to chat with you online, text or phone and give so much insight to the multitude of daily thoughts that invade your mind.  The conversation starts out simple, with a "hello, how was your day" and leads to an understanding that gives such gratification.  Even if there is no real answer to your daily quest, sometimes it means more to know that someone understands and can give insight of where to go for answers.  Do you have friends like this?  If so, do you really "listen" to what they say?  I do and it gives a peace that cannot be explained.  The simplicity of knowing that someone understands and can give guidance.  I think one thing that truly amazes me is that these answers can come from people/friends that you would not expect it to come from....not meaning you are surprised that person cares enough to listen and hold conversation.  Meaning that sometimes the person can come from a totally different background, environment, race, sex....whatever, but they truly listen....and they hear....and they pull from the depths of their heart to give guidance, show concern and simply put a smile on your face when there hasn't been one for a while.

So, in my quest to dig deep into this subject, I ask the you have friends like this?  When you hold conversations with them, do you make it beyond the initial "hello, how was your day" it, get beyond just the basics.  You don't have to pour out your heart and soul to everyone, but when you have something that lays heavy on your heart,  talk about it and truly listen to what is said in response.  There may not be answers everytime, but there may be enough insight and understanding to point you in the direction you need to turn to find what you are looking for........and especially a whole new appreciation for the friend...the unexpected friend....that came to your rescue!  Listen with an open heart and with an open mind......God puts the right people in our lives at the right time!  Be thankful for those blessings! ~ Until Later

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great thought process and a indepth way to value unexpected opportunities to trust God.