Friday, December 16, 2011

Man, How Time Flies

I realized it had been a while since I last wrote.......but didn't have a clue that it had been over a year!  WOW, where has the time gone?  I need to do better.  Blogging has surely been good therapy for me over the years and I need to get back into the habit.  A perfect stress reliever!  So much has changed since I last wrote but I am not going to try to go back over the past year and try to get everything lets just start with today!  Today, my heart is humbled.  We just lost Eddie's Father, Vance.  He died this week and we had his funeral on Wed. It was a wonderful celebration of life.  His death was a shock to all of us but I know that he is healthy and well in Heaven.  Emotions have been on a wild roller coaster ride this week.  There is no time to truly grieve at this point.  There is simply too much that needs to be done.  Maybe that is a good thing because your mind is pre-occupied with all that needs to be taken care of and the heart has a chance to start healing some while you are working.  Christmas is just around the corner and I'm wondering how the atmosphere is going to be.........but, God works in mysterious ways and I am thinking He wants us to start some new traditions.  Ones that bring more emphasis on Jesus' birthday (THE TRUE MEANING TO CHRISTMAS) and to appreciate  time spent with family.  Eddie's new job has him working on Christmas Eve.  Cade was sad that his Dad would not be home with us so we decided to start a new tradition.  Shhhh, it's a secret, so don't tell, but we plan to make/bake alot of goodies and go to the firestation and surprise his Dad and the other Firefighters and just spend some quality time there. 

Making new traditions, but keeping old ones alive in our hearts can keep us focused on what is important in our lives and that change is ok as well.  Who adapts to change well?  Not me, I prefer change to come gradually!  Now that my Father-in-Law has passed away there will be alot of changes in our lives....ones we have no control over.  However, I know that with God's love and guidance, we will adapt to these changes and we will be fine.  My heart is so humbled with the outpour of love and concern.  Everyday life gets so busy and hectic that we overlook our blessings alot of the time.  God will open our eyes in ways that we don't understand sometimes.  Through Vance's death, my eyes were opened to how people come running to your aid........they want to embrace you with love.  What a wonderful blessing that is and I hope and pray that I can return that love, care and compassion.  It is truly good medicine and lifts the spirits to an all time high!

Writing today has given me a chance to just get things off my chest and I feel a peace.  I wish for you a peace today!  Christmas is coming...........remember the reason for the season and know that we love and serve an almighty God who gave us His son Jesus Christ..........what better shoulder to lean on?!!  Love to all and see you again soon!


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