Friday, December 18, 2009

Why is it that when you sit by a fire, your imagination can carry you miles away from reality? Sometimes I need to escape reality! I need to imagine a place where there is peace and comfort and my everturning mind can actually rest. This place that I escape to is my "corner of the world" (thus the meaning behind STARZCORNER-get it?). It's almost as if I escape from being "me" .... only for a short period of time before the word "MOM" echo's in the background and jolts me from my corner....back to what we call REALITY! The Corner is the place that we, as women, all need...that place to just be "whomever we want to be". Sound a little deep....wonder where I might be going with this? Sometimes I wonder myself but I do know that when I can escape to my own little corner of the world I do not have to take care of anyone or anything except myself for the moment! For those of you reading this that are wives and Mothers, I think you can understand what I am saying to some degree. We get so caught up in taking care of everyone else that we neglect our own needs to the point of totally stressing out....thus, come mood swings...sad, mad, tears for no reason....we all do it, it's just a part of who we are as women. However I have found that when I take that time for just me it gives me a sense of peace that is beyond belief. That "still small voice" that is our inner being talks loudly to "paint the picture" of a temporary environment of peace and tranquilty. Maybe it's just simple meditation, but whatever it is, it works and I like it........I need it!! ALOT! Everyday stress from a job where you experience the nature of untrustworthy people on a daily basis can take it's toll. However when I escape to my "corner" I can actually step outside of "me" and take a look within and try to find a way to deal with what is put before me........and then I come to the realization that I must determine what I have control over and what I do not. Those things I can control, I make a plan of how to handle things.........and here it is, the hardest part..........for those things that I have NO control over....I must learn to let it go and be done with it and put it to the side....then I "step back within my being" and put the plan into motion. Works pretty good....most of the time........there is no such thing as a full proof plan! But we can come pretty darn, I highly recommend doing whatever it takes for you to escape into your you can take a look at "you"......find that inner peace.....relaxation and tranquility. It may not work everytime, but most of the time, you'll smile....I promise! ~Until Later

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