Thursday, January 7, 2010

I sit here just staring into space alot today!  Why? Well, I'm not really sure.  It's just been one of those days that nothing has seemd to fall into place and I just can't figure out HOW to make it all fit.  I am thankful to have a job, especially in this economic crunch, even if it isn't really what I want to be doing.  What do I want to be doing?  Ummm, well, lets see.....What do I want to be when I grow up??  (*chuckle*)  I love doing my photography and making "just the right shot" of someone...and seeing their expressions when they see the outcome of a photoshoot.....I LOVE that job.  Maybe I am just afraid to take that leap of faith and attempt to do it fulltime.  There are alot of hurdles in my way right now and I'm just not that good at jumping them.  Seems I will always take the "safe route"....not that that is so bad, but sometimes you miss opportunities of a, who knows.  There have been opportunities put before me that I actually thought I could handle....took a "step (not a leap) of faith", only to find that I wasn't quite right for the  job.  Why?  Well, sometimes you just never find out.  Kinda makes you wonder when you know that before you were 2nd in line for something....only to have it roll around again and you aren't even considered.  Oh well, another one bites the dust.....lets stroll right along.....where??  I don't know.  I guess I need to find more contentment in where I am right now.  It does make you stop and analyze yourself and attempt to figure out what it is you can do differently .... to make the difference you need in your life!  Whew, can ya tell I'm kinda in a slump today?  I don't like it anymore than the next person.  I am the one who tries to boost everyone else....and I know that reading this isn't boosting anything (*chuckle---glad to get a chuckle*)......well, even the strongest of people have their weak moments. 

So, for now I will focus on the job at hand, attempt to get my name out there for the photography business and pray about it....yes, I am a firm believer in prayer and I truly feel God has a plan for me.....I guess I just need to pray for ""patience"" and then see where He leads me.  Why do we always want something "right now".....???  I plan to pray, meditate and just find healing and comfort where it is allowed.  Getting deep?? Well, we all have our ways to find contentment when there seems to be none......what do you do to find the good in the bad.....what do you do to keep pressing on?  I take a deep breath, ask God to help me and keep trudging right along.  Ok, enough....I had to let it out and what better way than blogging?  Sometimes sharing is the best, hopefully the next writing will bring more sunshine into play.  We'll get there....we'll get where we NEED to God's time, not ours!!  ~Until Later

1 comment:

LMA said...

Starla, admitting that you're human is plenty "boosting." A lot of bloggers fall into the trap of thinking they have to present an image of perfection. Pah. I'd rather read about someone real.

Your faith is inspiring.