Monday, January 25, 2010

I Wonder

My family and I went to the coast this past weekend.  Sometimes, even the simplest of "get aways" can be so rewarding for the spirit.  We had no big plan, but just went with whatever mood struck us....and mostly it was to play in the indoor waterpark with Cade.  I had time to sit in a comfy chair in front of a bay window in our condo.......with the most amazing view of the ocean.  I had a book in hand, but the ocean waves seemed to hypnotize me.  You know, it is amazing where you can go when you let your thoughts and dreams lead you.  I looked down onto the beach (we were on the 12th floor)......and took in all that I could see.  A long boardwalk passed over the sand dunes and sea grass leading out to the white sands of the beach.  The temperatures were cool and brisk, but the sun was shining and the water simply glistened.  I couldn't help but wonder how many people have passed over that boardwalk, venturing out to the white sands.....and what they might have been thinking as they strolled along.  I wonder if they thought about how life was treating them and maybe if they came to conclusion of how to handle what the world deals them?  I do.  It never fails, while being hypnotized by the white sand and the crashing waves, I seem to always start thinking about things in my life and how they should be handled?  What about you?  I chatted briefly with a friend one morning who asked me to pick up a shell or rock and throw it as hard as I could into the ocean and say "this is for you".... to her, as she takes in the beach and sand, she said she feels so close to God.  I truly understand what she is saying.  Taking in all that perfection, it is definate that no human hand could create such a slendor. I walked along that boardwalk that I had stared at from the window.  I also stopped at the edge before going down the steps to the sand and just took a deep breath.  My family and I fed the Sea Gulls.....and we had quite the little "flock" around was amazing how "tame" they almost were.  They would fly as close as they could.  Even taking the bread right out of Eddie's hand.  Smiles and laughter is all that was seen and  heard and the problems of the world did not exist for those brief moments.  I watch people pass by, one family asking me to make a picture of their entire family.  One man asked, "can you see the ocean behind us?"  Well of course is what I wanted to say but I stopped in my thoughts and realized that they were creating memories and they wanted God's splendor to be seen......and made sure that it was.  So, again, I say, wherever  you go, whatever you do, stop, take a moment to look around, enjoy the beauty that is given....most times it is a gift that is given freely.  Throw a stone into the water and say "this is for ME".......!
~Until Later~

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