Saturday, February 20, 2010

Today was quite the busy Saturday.  Up early, quick breakfast and off to work at my Grandmother's house.  She passed away in September and the time has come to clean out her house and move forward with life.  My Mom and I both seem to do well for the most part and then there are the moments when we have to just shed a tear, take a moment and then go back at what we know has to be done.  It's not an easy task, emotionally or physically.  So, on one of my moments when I just needed to take a walk outside, I strolled around the yard, taking in all the sights as if it were the first time I had seen them.  I walked out to the small "lean to" shed that is beside the garage and I walked inside.  There isn't much left in that building, but my memory seemed to put everything back into it's place.  The dirt floor, the old desk that had been covered in so many layers of paint and a matching bench type stool that wobbled because one of the four legs was not the same length.  I could picture the old wooden barrel that used to be in the corner that held rakes, and shovels and hoes.  I played "house" in this old building.  I would dress up in my Grandmother's dresses and highheel shoes and wobble around just like that ole' bench....and even ride my bicycle.  I had an old metal lawn chair (which is still there) and I used the desk and bench.  My imagination made it quite a lovely home for me and my dolls.  I can remember being a little afraid to venture to the far end of the building....Grandma always said "watch out for snakes"......well, ummm, I just "knew" there had to be one back there! (*wink*). It's funny how after all the years it has been since I played dress-up and house, I can, so vividly, remember the smallest of details.  Simple times, simple life.  Where did those days go?  They didn't disappear, they are just stored in the memory filing be "dug out" when necessary!  I guess that stroll down memory lane was necessary because I was able to collect my thoughts, put a smile back on my face and get back to the chores at hand.  Good Memories of more simple times!

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