Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring is in the air.....and so is the pollen!!  Whew, I am already suffering but so glad for the beautiful days we are having!  I guess I won't complain too much!  Tomorrow we crank up baseball season with a Baseball Jamboree......looks as if we will be at the ballfield about all day for festivities!  Can't wait to see Cade in his uniform....he always looks so cute!  My "self made" job will start tomorrow as sports photographer.  I love to make pictures and attempt to capture every special moment (and soon to be memory) that I possibly can.  I know that some people may question why I make so many pictures but  I have the ability to "look back" on so many special times and "remember when" and have a visual!  I have many visuals of my son as he grows.  Sometimes as I take that visual stroll down Memory Lane I find myself dabbing tears.  Why do our children have to grow up so quickly!  So, at least through all the pictures I make, I can still venture back to those days, as often as I want! 

I have started singing with a group called The Essentials.  This group does a Tribute to Elvis show and I am having so much fun to work with and play music with some really talented musicians.....just another one of the many "hats of life" that I wear!  However, again, with music, I can find my quiet, solace place.....a place where I am really happy and "know my business".  The others are true musicians....even at heart....meaning they understand that inner depth that music can take you too............especially when you need it.....!  Music soothes the soul....yes, it really does.......and so does taking pictures of those you love!  ~ Until Later

1 comment:

LMA said...

I know what you mean about the memory lane strolls. How is it possible that my son will be 13 in 17 days, and that he's a good three inches taller than I? How can my daughter be almost exactly my height at the tender age of 11?

I'm happy that in the midst of all you do for others, that you've found some ways to take time for you. Enjoy the whirlwind, and enjoy Cade's age -- it passes too quickly.