Friday, April 9, 2010

Ever felt alone in your journey through life?  Oh, our daily life routine is a busy much to could there possibly be time to feel "alone"....but it happens and it happens more often than alot of people realize or that some may even care.

I have found it important to always take time for "you"!  In giving ourselves as a wife and Mother (and especially the Mother part)and to everyone else out there that needs us.....we tend to forget that there is an "us" that needs tending to as well!

So, how do we do it?  How do we tend to "us"?  I often think that I may have forgotten since I am so wrapped up in handling everyday life for everyone else. So, here is what I have been advised to do and intend to "try"..... stop...ok, I've stopped, for the moment.  Take a few deep breathes, slowly inhaling and exhaling.  Ok, doing that (even with a hint of a cough due to pollen).....feeling a little relaxed already!  Close your eyes and envision what you would like to be doing at this very moment.  Ok, I can't type with my eyes closed so I will stop for a moment to do this.  Ok, I have envisioned me walking along the beach on a peaceful afternoon.  So now they tell me to think of anyway possible to make this there a way?  Should I dare plan something like this for just me?  See, here I go again....alot like many other wife's and Mom' I have time for this......time for me? 

You know what?  I think I may attempt to see if there is anyway I can just escape from the everyday rat race of life.......I have heard it makes one a better person! Hmmmm, might just improve on my overall attitude.  Then I fall into that routine of "how do I make it work".... the wheels in my brain are turning but the thoughts are only on how I can make things work ""at home"" in order for me to get away! (chuckle)

Ok ladies, (and fellows, you too), I know more of you can relate to what I am writing here today....probably more than you realize!  It is healthy to take time for "us"..... for "me"!  Sometimes it may just be taking something (just one things) off our "plates" that will allow for a little "down" time.  That down time could surely motivate us in other aspects of life......don't you think?

Never be ashamed to admit you are human and that the weight of the world can make you want to just run away and hide!  I have always been told that there is something good in everything that seems bad.......sometimes you may have to really search for it, but it is there!  Even if it is the discovery of ones' inner strength to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on that journey through matter how many hills there will be!  ~Until Later

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