Thursday, April 29, 2010

It seems that April has just flown by so quickly.  It's been a very busy month for me and I guess, as the old saying goes, "time flies when you are having fun!".......ummm, FUN, now lets see if everything I have done this month fits under that catergory.  For the most part, it has!  Easter, Easter break....a chance for a weekend get away to the mountains (MUCH NEEDED).  Working as a vocal coach for West Stanly High School Drama Department in preparation for GREASE, band practice every Monday night, Cade's ballgames Tuesdays and Thursdays, birthday party, photoshoots (3)......and well, just everyday life routine at home being wife and Mom!  Ok, so now that I read back over this I think I am totally deserving of a VACATION!  Well, that thought brings a big chuckle.....heck, who has the time to take a vacation!?  I have to admit that my extra curricular activities are things that I enjoy and help to lessen the stress of the full time job (which I call "hell")  I have actually been a much happier person doing this extra things......ummm, wonder if I could get paid (or paid better) with those things and quit the full time job!  Oh how that sounds like a wonderful DREAM!

Truth is, I talk about how I need a break.....a vacation.....but to be honest, I don't think I would really know what to do with myself if my life was any different.  If I am not busy I feel as if I'm wasting time and SHOULD BE DOING SOMETHING!  I know, I know, makes no sense at all...........(*BIG CHUCKLE*)  Hopefully staying busy will keep me young....or young at heart! 

So, to this busy life that I live, I say....."If this is how it is suppose to be (and I am not actually complaining) then I ask for more of these things that I can honestly say make me happy and feel good inside!"  I know there are some changes coming and with these changes will add more to my plate...........I may find that I need to take something else off "that plate" to make room for the new, but I'm not complaining, I feel it has to be good things and sometimes change is not a bad's just something alot of us are afraid to do, but when we do, we find it to be the BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO US.  Sometimes the busy life is not always a bad thing............and change, well, I "raise my glass" to the opportunity to have "CHANGE" and not be afraid to ""take it""..........Until Later

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