Friday, May 7, 2010

We are entering the weekend that we celebrate our Mother's.......Mother's Day 2010.  This is a day, that for many years, I yearned to celebrate and often wondered if I ever would!  My Mother has been such an inspiration to me.  Through out her hardships and pain that she encountered through my Father, she became one of the strongest women I know!  Someone that I want to mold myself after.  She always made sure I had everything I wanted and needed (to the best of her ability) and to be honest, she still does even now that I am an adult.  She is my best friend and confidant and I am not sure what I would do without her.  I am blessed. 

God also blessed me 9 years ago and allowed me to be able to celebrate this occassion as He gave Cade to me and Eddie.  My entire pregnancy was filled with bliss and I knew I would finally get to celebrate Mother's Day.......and Cade was born the day before Father's Day.  What a way for Eddie to celebrate his FIRST Father's Day! 

Taking the time to enjoy the most simplest of moments can give you the greatest rewards.  For instance, just last night, Cade and I fell asleep on the sofa.  I awoke in the early hours and woke him and said "Lets go to bed buddy."  As he slowly lifted himself from his place of slumber he said "Mom, thanks for not leaving me, I'm glad you stayed here with me."  I kissed him on his head and assured him that I would never leave him!  My heart smiled!  I did get a good chuckle when he bypassed his bedroom door and went and climbed into bed beside his Daddy.  I made my way in there, climbed in the bed beside the two of them, thanked the Good Lord for my blessings and snuggled up closely to MY BOYS.  I can't help but think that these days are short lived and one day soon he will be "too big" to want to do this.  Makes me a little sad, but thats just how life, I intend to enjoy every little moment as it is given!

So, to all of you out there who are Mother's, enjoy each precious gift.....the gift of the "unexpected blessings"...those little things that make you smile or give a slight chuckle.  For those of you who may not be a Mom, enjoy those around you, give freely of your time to a child.  You just do not realize how important and everlasting that can be.......and such a great reward!  We all can be apart of the molding process for a help make their life one that is filled with love, compassion and understanding.......sometimes thats all we ever need! 

To Cade Whitley, I love you with every ounce of my being and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to celebrate this day!  ~ Until Later

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