Monday, July 16, 2012


Today seems to be one of those days you catch yourself staring into space thinking about special times and events from the past.  Here I sit at my office, attempting to focus on the  clutter of file folders that take up much of the space and all I can think about is how I would love to get in my car and drive.......where??  Well, lets see, I always say if I ran away from home I would run to St. Augustine, Florida.  To me it is a magical place where I can go, relax, let my hair down and just be "me".......nothing bothers me there.  Even if for brief moments, I am at total peace.  It wasn't that long ago I was there.  April, the weather was perfect and it was Easter.  I pulled into the parking lot of one of my favorite spots on Anastasia Island,  "The Conch House" is a restaurant/lounge mostly outside.  There is a nice hotel that adjoins.  The atmosphere is as if you would expect to see Jimmy Buffet sitting at the bar.  Most of it is outside among the palm trees and boat docks.  With ameretto sour in hand I make my way to a table outside over looking the docks.  Huge boats in almost every boat slip.  The wind is blowing gently and the intercoastal water is a teal shade of blue.  It's fascinating to watch the people around you.  Several were cleaning their boats, doing a little maintenance on some.  Jet Ski rentals were to my left and I watched as two very tanned young men docked them, cleaned them and got them ready for the next person to rent. Those two were the typical beach guys.  Tall, handsome, longer hair.  Swim trunks and very tanned.  Sea Gulls started to gather on the other end of the dock where I was sitting.  I wonder if it could be because I have a bag of popcorn and they are thinking "Hmmm, lunch??"....can't help but chuckle just a bit.  Deep breath, take a sip of my drink and just lay my head back against the back of the chair I'm sitting in......ahhh, this is the life.  The sun is beaming down but the temperatures are perfect......not too hot and definatly not cold.  Can I just sit here forever and savor the moment?  My thoughts carry me places I've never been.  Daydreams dance in and out of my mind.  Seems as if everytime I visit here I begin to think of things that I have always wanted to do but never took that step to make it a reality.  All of a sudden I am brought back to reality by hearing children laughing.  I look up to see a young couple with the cutest little twins attempting to get them off a boat and into the stroller.  Mom and Dad work hard but the two of them don't seemed to like the idea of confinement.  I chuckle again and then decide that I need to make my way back.  I get into my car and take one last look at my little "escape".  Loving the opportunity to just feel free from all that empowers to just relax and enjoy those daydreams.  One last look as I pull out of the parking lot......already looking forward to the next time I return.  So now, I bring myself out of the daze I am in.....I'm sitting here at my desk, knowing I must get busy.  Another deep breath.  Reality check.  The business day hums around me and I need to get focused and back to what I am suppose to be doing.........already knowing I need to Escape again and soon!

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