Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gotta Look Up.....Can I ?

How can someone that was once so strong become so weak.....emotionally!  The weight of the world can often beat a person down to the point it's hard to look up anymore.  This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend the Women of Faith Conference in Charlotte.  What an amazing event this was and from the very beginning I heard these words that have really stuck with me.  No matter what comes your way, good times or bad, decisions you make, life's hardships, heck, just life in general, the ONE thing that stays the same....never falters.....stays consistant is the fact that "Jesus Loves Me".......and then we sang the song we all learned as a child.  The arena was filled with thousands of women singing accapello, "Jesus Loves Me"!  The harmonies rang out and goose bumps overtook my arms as tears overtook my eyes!  What a wonderful comfort to have.......knowing that no matter what obstacles are thrown in your path, Jesus' loves never changes and will always be there for me. 

Emotional roller coasters are something I wish I didn't have to ride, but sometimes life just throws you on board.  I seem to be struggling alot lately.  Work, home.....just life issues.  Why do they all seem to hit at once?  God is the only one who knows that answer and I'm hoping in the long run He will show me that I am stronger than I give myself credit for......which I use to consider myself a strong person but not anymore.

This past weekend renewed my spirit!  It gave me something to think about and as the pressures of the day unfolded on Monday, I kept thinking to myself, "Jesus Loves Me, This I know".............and the day progressed and work was accomplished and there was more of a peace in the air.  Yes, I still had my struggles but there was a difference........God promises not to give us anything in our life that we can't handle and I'm glad He is by my side for me to lean on.........I often wonder with the way life can slap me in the face, how do people deal with these things that DON'T know God or DON'T have God in their heart?  Wow, they really don't have a promise of better things to come.  My prayers is that the simple words of our childhood song "Jesus Loves Me" will ring loud and clear in someone else's ear like it did mine........and to top it off, it was Sandi Patty who spoke and used those words and directed that song and she is my favorite Christian singing artist of all times.  She is a real person with real struggles.  She has had plenty of ups and downs in her life and she stands firm on her faith and says "Thank goodness I serve a God of second chances because where would I be if He didn't forgive my mistakes?"..........so true, so true!  So, maybe I am already looking up and just didn't realize until right now!  Until later............be assured that Jesus Loves You.......The Bible Tells Us So"

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